My Back Pain Moves Around

Hi, my name is Dr. Aaron Casselman from Pinnacle Chiropractic. And I’ve got a quick video for you today about a situation that I hear a lot of patients mention to me when they first come in. That their lower back pain or back pain anywhere really, but usually lower back pain is moving around a lot. And it doesn’t stay in one spot. That’s very confusing for people. It’s actually super, super common. If you think about the spine, we’ve got 27 bones stacked on top of each other and each level there’s nine joints. There is so much going on in the spine. If you hurt one of these things, you can feel it almost anywhere. It’s really hard to pinpoint exactly where the problem is just based on where the pain location is. So when someone hurts their back, it’s going to start on the left and then moves to the right. And then I hear all the time. It works its way up to the middle or upper back.

This is really, really common it’s because the spine is so complex or so many joints in there. If you hurt your elbow, you’re going to have elbow pain. It’s basically a hinge. It’s not going to move around typically, maybe radiate a tad, but in general, it’s going to be right in your elbow. The spine is a totally different situation. In addition, the spine also houses your nervous system. So if you have a spinal issue, not only can that area hurt and they can move around that area. But now because of those nerves are coming out of your spine, you can have problems wherever those nerves go as well. So for example, if you have a neck issue, you can have pain all around your neck or even in your head.

But now because it’s in the neck, the nerves that come out of your neck, go down your arm into your hands. So you could have problems in your arm or hand even. And in the lower back, that same thing happens down into the leg or foot. A lot of people call that Sciatica. That’s because the nerves are coming out of the spine. So this pain moves around and you can feel in different parts of your body. And it’s actually really common. It’s actually more common for people to have moving pain around spinal issues, as opposed to the pain that just stays in the same place. Hopefully that cleared some stuff up for you. If you guys need anything or have any questions or anything, Pinnacle Chiropractic, I’m Dr. Aaron Casselman, talk to you soon.

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